WhY Do wE NeEd cLoSe fReNz?
4 ThOsE HoNeSt oPiNiOnS...
. -2 pIcK Us fRm rAiLwAy sTaTiOn @ 2Am...
. -2 KiCk u aT MiDnIgHt oN Ur b’dAy...
. -2 MaK FuN Of oUr nEw oUtFiTs...
. -2 GeT LaTeSt pRiNtS Of mOvIeS...
. -2 cAlL @3Am jUsT To sAy gN...
. -4 d eNdLeSs tReAtS...
. -2 iRrItAtE Us wId mIsSeD CaLlS WeN V R SlEePiNg...
. -SeNdInG LoT Of mSgS ThOuGh u dOnT RePlY...
. -oR MaYbE JuSt 4 . “A BeAuTiFuL LiFe”
,,,,,,,,,,eNjOy uR BeAuTiFuL LiFe wItH CaRe..SmIlE,,, & lOvE...
![](<a target=)
">http://img1.123tagged.com/en/funny/6.gif" border="0"/> i`M sLeePy...
bYe... bYe...hAvE eNrgEtiC sLeePy dAy