Hi How are u getting on? What is ur occupation?
Good Morning! Why n0t u block these mad guy of sham.
Good Morning Sweet Friend! How do u do?
Am accounting student
& searching for a job actually
Lajja nethi para vesi. Oyage phone number eka mata yavanna ethakota mang disturb karanne nehe ok.
Umbe ammata hukanava para balli. Vesige duwa. Umbata zahir ge paiya ooneda patta balli. Fuck u nimesha, mang zahir ge puke arinava kiyapan.
Hi, What did u say that with Sham? Sham is lair. U dont go belive for him. Plz if u like to be a my trustly and good friend, u should block to these Sham id. Plz Excuse me!